Monday, February 10, 2014

100 Days of School, 100 Pieces of a Rainbow

Rai's first grade class had a week-long project to make a 100 days, 100 items poster. They get two grades, and there's a prize for the most creative. Rai LOVES rainbows, so he decided on 100 pieces of cardboard in rainbow colors. I was proud of all the work he put into this project.

Step 1: Figure out how many pieces you need for each color. Rai knew the red stripe was bigger than the violet strip, so I showed him how to do math in Excel (the computer) to figure out how many pieces of each color would add up to 100.

Step 2: Cut out the pieces of cardboard for each color of the rainbow, and make sure the pieces are the right size. After he cut the pieces out, he put them on the table and arranged them into a rainbow. If the blue strip was bigger than the red strip, he would make the pieces smaller.

Step 3: Glue the pieces on the board. Rai arranged the pieces on the board, and then used rubber cement to make them stick.

Step 4: Decorate! Rai made his chart on the computer big enough to read and made each row a color of the rainbow. He also used glitter in rainbow colors to decorate the background.

Step 5: Be Proud! Rai turned his project in s day early and was VERY proud to talk about it today when the guest teachers came in to judge.

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